• Category Archives Rusty (Sting)
  • A Stinging Taste of Leather!!!!

    This 2010 drama documentary features several instruments with one thing in common; they are all made of leather. Each Chapter sees our wayward lads firstly on the end of a spanking, long and hard. (The best place to start when warming up for the main implement.) With their bare bottoms red and raw the real action begins.
    Young Jason Kelly (Kevin) is on the receiving end of his uncle’s belt after cheating in the midterm college exams. It’s a first time for this modern age lad but there’s a good chance now, as he nurses his burning backside of course, it will make him see sense.

    Now back in time to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Hawkins (Marc Russell) an inmate of Carnfield Institute the infamous house of correction for unruly young gentlemen is taken to task for insolence and slacking. Col. Templeton Lee decides to crack down and with the help of Warder Mr Squears brings his trusty hunting whip to bare.

    Next we move to the Scottish highlands and probably the most famous of all leather instruments, the Tawse. In this chapter MacMillan (Rusty) a senior academy scholar is in trouble and faces a good licking from Housemaster Mr Carmichael, with three different tawses no less!

    With his backside now an angry glowing red he rushes to find the younger lad (Richie Sachs) who has got him in to so much trouble. Getting a thrashing from the older lad and his supply of tawses is no mean matter, he’ll not sit down for a week!!

    Finally it’s off the France and a look at the Martinet. James Bruce plays a young army cadet who has to report to the senior officer for being drunk and disorderly.

    As all the cadets know this sort of discipline is off the record and after a good spanking the fiery tales of the martinet will fly. Grasping the punch bag in the Gym and gasping as each stoke lashes across his saw bare backside; this young soldier will stay sober for some time to come. If he doesn’t he knows what’s waiting…another ‘Taste of Leather’.

    I have just watched this download, and take my word for it, it is one of the hottest I have seen in a long while!


    The following Teaser pictures were released in advance of A Taste of Leather in August 2010


  • New from Sting – Tales Down Under

    The latest download from Sting is Tales Down Under, which is set down under in Australia , directed by the increasingly impressive Jonathan Fox and involving the sore bottomed misfortunes of a number of Sting lads including Sebastian, Danny Walsh, Ryan Philips and Ed Williams at the hands of Rich O’Shea, Dexter and Rusty.

    You can be sure there will be some very red and sore tails Down Under


    Tales Down Under Download

    Sting Lads Fan Club (Google Group)

    A link to the Sting 18 USC.2257 record keeping / age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • Sting – Sixth Formers (the new term) Part 3

    Rich from Sting has sent me a huge batch of additional pictures from Sting’s new extra length download
    “Sixth Formers – the New Term”

    I shall post them in two batches first set today and the rest tomorrow.

    Sixth Formers – the new term includes scenes from previously unreleased footage of Margusta and Nathan
    Some images from wonderful scene featuring a drunken Darren and Robbie being caned by Rob and then birched by Rusty (Mr. Klaus) immediately afterward. The moment where Darren walks. naked, across the room with his cherry red globes juggling as he does so is quite unforgettable!

    New disciplinarian Rusty punishes Nick a bully who gets his comeuppance (twice)

    In one scene Nick receives a firm hand spanking on top of an already well caned behind! OUCH!!

    To be continued ……..



    Sixth Formers – the new term (Download)

    Stinglads Google group (fan group)

    A link to the Sting 18 USC. 2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration is in the right hand column at this blog

  • Sting – Sixth Formers (the new term) Part 1

    The latest Download from Sting is “Sixth Formers – the New Term”, following on from the popular “Sixth Formers and Mr Sorrenson” It’s back to historic Coombe Hall College where the Headmaster has a special mandate from the governors to keep discipline in the old way. The old way means that lots of young miscreants “end up” with very red and sore bottoms.

    Sixth Formers – the new term is a special length download just over I hour and 10 minutes long with a host of handsome young man being kept in line by regular canings, spankings and birching (frequently one right after the other!!)

    This download features Rusty who, in the role of Mr. Klaus, has graduated from a one time bad boy in movies such as “TS Morsus – Before the Mast” and “Woodland Vandals” into a very effective disciplinarian.

    For the benefit of North American users, in the UK the term “Sixth Formers” relates to the equivalents of “Seniors” that is to say young men aged eighteen or nineteen in their final school year

    Part 2 will be posted tomorrow



    Sixth Formers – the new term (Download)

    Stinglads Google group (fan group)

    A link to the Sting 18 USC. 2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration is in the right hand column at this blog

  • New Sting Download – “Borstal Birching”

    It’s STING SATURDAY at JockSpank as Sting Pictures have just released their latest download “Borstal Birching”, which is the third in the series directed by Jonathan Fox, and set in a 1950’s Borstal – An institution intended for the correction and discipline of wayward young males – where the Strict House Officer, Mr Hawkins (played by Rusty, now settling comfortably into his new role of disciplinarian) knows just how to deal with inmates who misbehave.

    New sting actor Marc Russell plays Inmate 3479 Cassidy whose continued bad behaviour and insolence is very likely to earn him loss of remission meaning more time spent inside – that is unless he accepts the alternative punishment, a hard bare bare bottom spanking followed by a sound birching spread-eagled across the leather vaulting horse.

    Cassidy accepts the alternative and soon finds himself regretting that decision.

    Meanwhile Inmate 3436 Tanner (Played by James Bruce) attempts to abscond

    But he’s out of luck

    Tanner’s punishment also involves a firm hand spanking on his bare behind

    Followed by THE BIRCH! a number of well deserved swats will remind the unfortunate tanner just who is in charge.



    Borstal Birching – Download

    A link to the Sting USC 18.2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • Oh Brother! – A new Download from Sting

    Oh Brother is the Second Sting Download to be directed by Jonathan Fox, and again it features Rusty in the role of disciplinarian, this time dealing with Sting newcomers Tony Paris and Patrick Hayes, both of whom make a very rosy cheeked debut!

    Story line

    Glenn Carry Industrial School has a reputation for being tough. This devout institution is run on a very strict basis. The Brothers stand no nonsense and if any of the trainees fall out of line they are quickly disciplined to obey the rules.

    On a routine inspection of the school the Principle Brother catches two lads (messing around. These two have been cautioned to many times before and now it’s become necessary to make sure the message gets though. Brother Calistus, who happens to be accompanying the Principle Brother on his inspection, is given the task of disciplining the two.

    In the gym he sets about his work with real devotion. To say he is a firm believer in the punishment of sinners is an understatement. He sees this as his mission and he clearly enjoys his work. Pray you’re not a young inmate at Glenn Carry Industrial School.

    A link to the Sting USC 18.2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog

  • Sting – The Brat Pack

    A new Sting Download by a FIRST TIME director!

    Jonathan Fox and Mikey Steel have worked with Sting since they first arrived in Prague, and now are getting their chance to direct. Therefore while Rich and Rob deal with other projects Sting are releasing Jonathan Fox’s debut download as director.

    The first of the Jonathan Fox series is Kingsley, staring Rusty as The head boy Kingsley who gets to stand in for the headmaster and hand out some strict discipline to two bad boys Ben Richardson (Alistair Cole) and Colin Thompson (Dale Macey).

    I watched Kingsley earlier today and was very impressed, Jonathan Fox is a very promising young director, who has obviously leaned a lot from Richard O’Shea but also brings his own unique take on Spanking movies. I am sure that once you have seen his work you will agree he has a bright future.

    A link to Sting’s US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.

  • Dr. Barton in “The Headmaster” – New From Sting

    The excellent Dr Richard Barton, who gave the likes of Barry and Brett such memorable and well deserved thrashings in previous Sting Pictures, stars as “The Headmaster” in the latest download from Sting with Rusty, Sebastian and new boy Rowan Hunter as the school boys in need of some strict discipline!!


    The Headmaster of Halistone college (Dr Richard Barton) has years of experience in ruling the roost. Sometimes surprising then that the students still challenge his authority often leading to the inevitable confrontation.

    Simon Philips (Rusty) a sixth former knows he needs to get good results in his mid term exams but he just hasn’t done the work! A quick glance at his friend’s paper might just get him the answers he needs. Unfortunately the watchful eye of the adjudicating master never fails to spot a cheat and Simon is quickly shipped off to see the Headmaster.

    On the Rugby pitch things are not to calm either when team rivals but good friends Paul Hennessey (Sebastian) and David Colby (Rowan Hunter) decide to battle it out back in the changing rooms. On hearing the rumpus the passing deputy head is not too pleased at the boorish behaviour and packs the two warring lads off the see Dr Barton.

    Needless to say in this continuing episode of college day life the Headmaster certainly hasn’t forgotten how to wield the slipper and cane not to mention laying on a good spanking. The thwipp of the cane and crack of a well used slipper leave the lads with a burning desire to behave better in future!




    The HeadMaster – Direct link

    A link to Sting’s US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.

  • Random Stingers

    As a special Christmas treat, here is the first part of a random selection of images from various DVDs and Downloads by the one and only Sting Pictures. Most of these were first posted to the Sting Lads Google group. The common factor is tghe spanker Rich O’Shea (The Headmaster)

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