Memories of school days sports often include the dashing young assistant PT master. A character that was sometimes handsome looking but often muscular and fit. Mr Royce (Dexter) is one such person and has a busy schedule running the Physical Education department at his college.
Mr Royce doesn’t stand for any nonsense and as an assistant housemaster too is ready to deal with any miscreants who happen to cross his path
Caught truanting young Kennedy (Tom Nuttall) is one such culprit and is sent to Mr Royce to receive punishment.
Mr Royce dishes out the punishment with relish starting on Kennedy’s tight white underpants
before proceeding to his bare bottom …
.. after a firm spanking, Kennedy receives the legendary white rubber soled gym shoe, leaving his otherwise virgin white bare bottom a bright shade of red!…………
Next up on his list is Barnard (Brandon Junior) caught smoking, something Mr Royce detests. Again a good spanking is in order but then out comes a supple and spring rattan cane. This leaves a lasting effect of raw burning stripes on young Barnard’s bare backside. From now on he’s going to lead a smoke free healthy life!…
To be continued …. featuring lots more hot pictures and hot bad boys, including Darren and new Sting Lad John Horne
(For US members “PT” stands for Physical Training, a PT Master is the equivalent of a coach)
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