• Category Archives Brandon Junior
  • In Production- Coming Soon from Sting “Oh Brother 2”

    The sequel to “Oh Brother” is currently in production at Sting and will be released soon.  Oh Brother 2 is set in a Catholic institution and includes stars such as Darren, Brandon Junior, Damien Drake, Dexter, Mike Cross and new actor Daniel Fliesh 

     Dexter and Darren

     Not sure how comfortable Damien will feel sitting on that bike!! …


     Brandon and Mike Cross

    Brandon’s bottom really reddens up!

    New boy Daniel Fliesh

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – Mr Royce – PT Master (Part 2)

    More pictures from the new Sting Download “Mr Royce – PT Master” 

    Here we see some more pictures of Young Barnard (Played by Brandon Junior) receiving his caning 

    The Headmaster too is a busy man and asks his young PT assistant to deal with two insolent boys, Houson (Darren) and Miller (New Sting lad John Horne) A good spanking for the pair of them is of course in order but after this it’s out with Mr Royce’s leather strap and the walls of the gym store begin to ring loudly to the sound of cold leather on defenceless bare skin. The effect is hot; successive bands of fire relentlessly cracking across the poor lads naked buttocks. The two lads quickly begin to learn a painful lesson from the PT master’s powerful arm.

    Miller is played by new sting actor John Horne

     The ever popular Darren (here playing Houson) earning his stripes …..

    With all this action he’s not making many friends but nevertheless its one hell of a turn on. Unfortunately Kennedy, his first victim of the week, catches Mr Royce during a moment of personal pleasure which he soon makes sure reaches the ears of the Headmaster. This needs dealing with sensitively and the head calls in Mr Royce for a not so sensitive disciplinary hearing. 


     The result is a good spanking for the PT assistant and a dose of the heads whippy cane

    The PT master now has to be prepared to take his own medicine and live up to his exacting name, Mr Royce PT Master.

    Mr Royce – PT Master is just under 36 minutes long and features four strapping sting lads plus Dexter in both giving and taking roles – what’s not to enjoy?!!
    (For US members “PT” stands for Physical Training,  a PT Master is the equivalent of a coach)

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – Mr Royce – PT Master (Part 1)

     The very latest release from Sting is Mr Royce – PT Master
    Memories of school days sports often include the dashing young assistant PT master. A character that was sometimes handsome looking but often muscular and fit. Mr Royce (Dexter) is one such person and has a busy schedule running the Physical Education department at his college. 
    Mr Royce doesn’t stand for any nonsense and as an assistant housemaster too is ready to deal with any miscreants who happen to cross his path

    Caught truanting young Kennedy (Tom Nuttall) is one such culprit and is sent to Mr Royce to receive punishment.
     Mr Royce dishes out the punishment with relish starting on Kennedy’s tight white underpants
     before proceeding to his bare bottom …

    .. after a firm spanking, Kennedy receives the legendary white rubber soled gym shoe, leaving his otherwise virgin white bare bottom a bright shade of red!…………

    Next up on his list is Barnard (Brandon Junior) caught smoking, something Mr Royce detests. Again a good spanking is in order but then out comes a supple and spring rattan cane. This leaves a lasting effect of raw burning stripes on young Barnard’s bare backside. From now on he’s going to lead a smoke free healthy life!…

    To be continued …. featuring lots more hot pictures and hot bad boys, including Darren and new Sting Lad John Horne
    (For US members “PT” stands for Physical Training,  a PT Master is the equivalent of a coach)


    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog

  • New Sting Download – Sports Report

    Sports Report is the latest download from Sting and features three short stories – plus a little extra sexual content following requests from fans.

    Carlos Fenandez plays a truant who gets worked over by PE Master Dexter
    Providing some oral pleasure!
    New actor Rafael plays one of to misbehaving brothers
    While Rico plays the other
    Rowan Hunter and Brandon Junior

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 record keeping proof of age declaration in the right hand column of this blog