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Click Here to view the Video Preview of the Hornet Special Price video at the Feel the Sting blog WARNING Hornet videos feature male on male sex and spanking
Here is the video preview and second set of pictures from the Sting Spanking Classic
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Another Sting Spanking Classic in the original 2011 first episode of
Three short stories featuring a sports related background. Firstly, two boys (Brandon Junior & Rowan Hunter) fall out during a friendly boxing practice. An angry swing by one of them without his gloves on results in a bloody nose for the other, all unfortunately seen by the sports master (Dexter) He wastes no time in arranging a sharp disciplinary session for them. Both bend over the vaulting horse together for a spanking in their boxing shorts and then on their now reddened bare bottoms.
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The first lad Boyd (Brandon Junior) is taken over the knee and a firm hard butt scorching spanking is administered.
His friend Baker (Mike Dean) can only look on with horror as his buddies smooth blemish free backside turns a strong shade of red, this of course in the knowledge of what’s coming next to him.
The first boy stands his bottom on fire and he is ordered to face the wall. Now over the knee Baker can really feel what he was observing earlier and there’s no doubt it stings like hell. His poor bare bottom has no defence for this younger Master’s powerful palm.
As he finally stands his bottom too is clearly burnt and scolded, both lads surely know that this is just the precursor. This opening salvo will be followed up by the broad leather strap!
With both boys bending over in the traditional manner their already punished red raw backsides make the perfect target.
The old brown leather strap goes in to action propelled mercilessly across the whimpering lad’s sore bare bottoms. Each crack delivers a band of fire; their rounded bare cheeks carry the evidence of discipline well laid on, this is clear to see.
With the Masters arm in accurate attack behind them and the painful lash of the strap biting home both of these previously insolent boys could now easily clear any high jump. Probably now more than willingly!