• Category Archives After Spank Care
  • Spankchicosmalos: Easing Martin’s Punishment

    Spankchicosmalos: Easing Martin’s Punishment
    After receiving some hard spankings in the last recording, Martin ended up with a sore ass. In this video we don’t punish him but we pamper his punished ass a little. Every punishment must have a moment of closeness with the repentant spankee after his well-deserved punishment. It’s time to put some cream on his ass to make his ass soft, and give him a little love.

    Tras haber recibido unas duras azotainas en la última grabación, Martín termino con su culo dolorido. En este video no lo castigamos pero consentimos un poco su culo castigado. Todo castigo debe tener un momento de acercamiento con el spankee arrepentido tras su merecido castigo. Es el momento echarle un poco de crema para dejar su culo suave, y darle un poco de cariño.

    在上次录音中,马丁受到了几次严厉的打屁股,最后他的屁股感到疼痛。 在这段视频中,我们没有惩罚他,但我们稍微纵容了他受惩罚的屁股。 每次惩罚都必须有一个与悔悟的被打者在他们应得的惩罚之后和解的时刻。 是时候加点奶油,让她的屁股变软,给她一点爱了。


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