Caning Cadet Diego : At Bottom Line Posted on September 1, 2023 9:35 am by Ward 1 Comment Cadet Caning : Diego Sub-Lt. Diego is the last of the training cruise senior staff to be called to task. * Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see more * ______________________ Links Cadet Caning : Diego BOTTOM LINE STUDIO Title 2257 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in Bottom Line Studio cane Male Spanking 📎and tagged Bottom Line Studio cane Male Spanking
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Although the buck for boarded-exercise bumbling should stop at highest-ranking French, who should have overruled his sublieutenants, and Diego is the only one who did everything right considering crippling commands, as usual, which Hector reflects with grimly-negative recommendation for the former and glowing recommendation for the latter in the unofficial report, he also resigns, considering the official log and rigid rules, to apply collective discipline by the logic of team failure, given to give the godforsaken gutter-achievers grimly-glowing globes-gruelling to give them great gusto to get gloriously-better or get it way worse or even be dismissed from academy.
Diego understands and simply, sweetly and silently-sighing, submits to sightly showing, by surreally-unfair sublieutenant-seat-stripping and ‘soundly severe’ scarlet-shading spanking-sanction-session, his superb loyalty to rules and hierarchy, so strict Sir can save face and the formal record remains unchallenged, as any formal inquest due to suspected disciplinary deficit could be ruinous for the academy, or at least for its command.
Indeed, at formal disciplinary sessions Diego puts up a well-choreographed, strict Sir-scripted show of supposed spanking into submission for the record and the audience’s benefit, knowing his best career ally is Hector, who discretely mentors him in this respect, ironically covering-up their top-secret tutoring as ‘tail-tormenting-time’ by gently hand-spanking his protégé bare-balls OTK, and fondly feeling the finest-fledgling-frockless-fleece and playfully-privacy-privated-private-puerile-parts-prominently-presenting-positioned, a paternalistic privilege previously practiced privately by pa and particular peers or publicly by pater-familias, painfully-practically proving the prime position.
Patiently providing a prime preceptor this paternalistic pounder-pleasure and prestige by petty paining of his puerile posterior as protocol, past punishment, presently-again provides Diego a particular private pride and pleasure as ‘paw-patted pet-puppy’, perhaps a pervy pastime, positively pleasuring the pair perfectly, practically proven by their practically-priapic-penile-prominence in the patting, pantsing, pounding and proximity-pleasure process-parts.