4 Responses to Bath time in Prague

  1. Although the slippering OTK doesn’t look technically like suprior spanking,
    the lower-limbs-lashable-lads-line-up is luscious and almost narrative, with the next one bringing the brush presumably to be brought down on his bare backside while the previosu spankee still sorely-sorrily seeks soothing savagely-stung-stern-sufferance,
    and they all look like lovely louts I’ld lustfully love to laboriously lashing-lacerate lustily!

  2. Avatar Sean's Daddy
    Sean's Daddy says:

    Great bit of alliteration Fastifex 🙂

  3. Gorgeous glutes on those lads; a callipygian collection of boys with beatable bottoms.

  4. verry nice picture