Author Archives: Ward

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2014-10-13 11:26:58

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BUSTED BROTHERS AT Ω T K by Mans Hand Films Part 2
Categories :Manshandfilms
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Brats from Hell!
Categories :spanking4men
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PhotoShopped by Mark
Categories :Photoshop, PhotoShopped by Mark
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Spank Bonanza – The Trouble with Jamie
Categories :Bonanza - The Trouble with Jamie, TV shows
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Spank First
Categories :spanking4men
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Franco_Fan Yahoo Group
Categories :Uncategorized
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A brief history of Male Spanking Erotica
Categories :Franco, spanking4men
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RYM – “Cabin Spanking” promo clip
Categories :Uncategorized
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The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis -“Where is thy Sting?”
Categories :Dobie Gillis - Where is thy sting clip, TV shows, Vintage
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Dealing with David
Categories :David, Dr Barton, OTK
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