A kilt at Folsom Posted on November 7, 2009 5:30 pm by Ward A young stud in a leather kilt receives the attention of the excellent gay artist Copper outside the Mans Hand Films booth at Folsom Street. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in Copper Folsom Manshandfilms
September 7, 2017 Ward Mans Hand Films – “My Worst Day”New From: Mans Hand Films “MY WORST DAY” Starring Shane Omen Ken Stocker and Paul Morrison Introdu...
November 9, 2017 Ward Video Preview for Mans Hand Films DVD MHF 195Message from Man's Hand Films: We thought that JockSpank fans would like a look at the preview for t...
That’s a very cute guy with a hell of a fantastic ass and set of legs. Copper must have enjoyed his work!
Copper here: Enjoyed myself? I was ecstatic…and we raised over $250 for the AIDS Emergency Fund from the crowd who were willing to donate bucks to watch Josh get spanked. Is this a great country, or what???
I would pay 5$ to see a kilted guy get spanked