Saturday Spankables

This weekend’s tempting targets, the SATURDAY SPANKABLES

Spankables by Dr van Spanking

First up, a platoon of spankable recruits enlisted by our good friend Dr van Spanking


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Sam Fricker takes the plunge

A rare, fully naked, image of diver Jack Laugher

And now a bare bottom brigade of beauties from Bruce

If anyone has any idea what is happening in the GIFs below, or where they come from, please let us know




NOTE: the Saturday Spankables are images taken from the public domain and are posted here for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the male form. Jockspank gain no financial benefit from these images, if you have any concerns or comments regarding any image, please let us know, using the CONTACT US field in the left-hand column

6 Responses to Saturday Spankables

  1. I’d love to know the source of the lowest video; where the guy on the trail pulls his pants down and lets the cameraman feel his ass.

  2. Nice pics among them. The photo of the lad on the bus should earn a million bucks. 🙂

  3. Avatar JeffyJamm
    JeffyJamm says:

    The two gifs you asked about feature Cameron Neuton and Jake Preston. The set up is that Cameron somehow got stuck while trying to retrieve his skateboard from under the bed. Jake, his roommate, finds him in this position and takes advantage of the situation.
    Title: Grinding His Deck
    Studio: TwinkPop
    Summary: In the TwinkPOP scene ‘Grinding His Deck,’ skater Cameron Neuton and his roommate Jake Preston engage in some wild fun. As Cameron bends over to pick up his skateboard, Jake can’t resist the view. Their playful rivalry heats up…

  4. Thanks JeffyJam, I am pleased you enjoy the Spankables. Although we don’t always get much Feedback, the statistics show the Spankables are consistently listed among the top five most visited pages, so they seem popular
