Seth – In for a hiding Posted on December 18, 2008 10:25 am by Ward One of the Barnyard Blister’n series from Spanking Central Click on the Continue Reading Tab below to see more Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in Barnyard Blister'n Seth Spanking Central
July 29, 2011 Ward Spanking Central – Rex in the Pillory A young Rex appeared in "The Pillory and the Paddle" in October 2007 at Spanking Central. Stra...
July 2, 2018 Ward Spanking Central: Ty – Faces of DisciplineSpanking Central: Ty - Faces of Discipline Ty gets a serious dose of the Martinet, dad/son style on...
Great pictures! Seth is really cute. I hate the way the put the logo right across the picture though.
Why do they do that?
Seth is so sensational, so spectacular, so spankable.