Straight Lads Spanked – Uncle Andrew Spanks Lee and Dom (Part 2)

Part 2 of Uncle AndrewSpanks Lee and Dom: Uncle Andrew orders Dom to drop his pants for his next spanking, and at first Dom refuses the humiliating command …..


Andrew tells Dom to either do as he’s told, or his father will be told what he’s done, leaving Dom with no option but to obey.

Dom hesitates so Uncle Andrew grabs hold of him and pulls sown his pants for him…


He then throws Dom over his knee again and spanks the seat of his underpants


Lee watches his friend being punished, he rubs his watering eyes before he is ordered to strip naked for the next stage of his own punishment.


Meanwhile Dom is learning just how hard Uncle Andrew can spank


Now stark naked Lee is back over uncle’s knee
Dom is ordered to strip 


Dom watches his naked friend being spanked


Poor Lee is now very sore


Last, but by no means least, Dom gets his bare bottom spanked, embarrassingly naked over his friend’s Uncle’s knee.


Uncle Andrew really pounds Dom’s backside


He know’s it was Dom who instigated the bad behaviour


So he deserves the more severe spanking


and that is just what he gets!!


Many smacks later the two naughty boys are ordered to do some corner time


Still angry, Uncle Andrew surveys his handiwork


and drinks a refreshing can of Dom’s beer, he certainly deserves it after all his hard work!
The end

Links provided to respect the intellectual property rights of the creator these images 

One Response to Straight Lads Spanked – Uncle Andrew Spanks Lee and Dom (Part 2)

  1. Yes the gorgeous dom what a treat. he has a gorgeous bum, I bet he loves to moon people. merry Xmas to Mr x and the gang.