Sting – Approved Education Part 7 – They Never Learn! (Part 2)

 More images from Sting’s latest release

The juniors too are still pushing their luck, none more so than young Robertson (Xander Hollister) Sent by the Headmaster to his Housemaster with a selection of illicit goods he has purloined he knows he’s probably going to get a good hiding.


His Housemaster is none too pleased; this is at least a second offence this term. This time though the boy must be taught a lesson. What better to start with than the heavy brown leather army belt kept for the purpose.


With Robertson now over the vaulting horse, his grey shorts tightly stretched and almost painted on to his buttocks the punishment begins.

His grey shorts are now down and with the cruel strap whistling painfully on to his bare bottom the boy is growling and hissing at each stinging crack!

The Housemaster is not convinced there’ll not be a third time of offending this term so he decides that young Robertson should go OTK.


The spanking over his already burning bare backside is no joke but when a hair brush is grabbed by the none too pleased Housemaster Robertson knows it’s going to be a painful and fiery finale. 

The tears welling up as the scorching flat polished wooden brush bites home is sure testament to a punishment well laid on! Perhaps it’s not always true that ‘They Never Learn’.
Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual ownership

6 Responses to Sting – Approved Education Part 7 – They Never Learn! (Part 2)

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Seems Xander has gained a lot of weight since last time- hope he is OK?

    • Xander is fine thanks. I don’t think he is over weight, he has always had a plump and well rounded bottom, and fills out his shorts really well! 🙂

  2. What’s happened to the gorgeous Marco? He’s been kidnapped and replaced with a horrid headmaster!

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Personally I think xander is bloody gorgeous look at that bum. I have really nice pictures of him in a jockstrap and a thong what a sight, absolutely perfect bum so plump and ripe nice cock on him too.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Gluteus maximus 🙂

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I really like Marco as a Housemaster, he is welcome to beat me on my bare bum M/F any time. 🙂