Spanking4men caption competition Posted on January 28, 2012 10:08 am by Ward The Spanking4Men site, in partnership with the erotic writer Loki Renard are running a caption competition, with a chance to win Loki Renard’s latest e-book. Click here to visit Spanking4men and enter the competition. Novels by Loki Renard Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) 📂This entry was posted in Loki Renard spanking4men
August 5, 2012 Ward Interview with a Spanker – TJ Woods From SpankThis!Spaning4Men have an exclusive and fascinating interview with the one and only TJ Woods (aka Principl...
July 4, 2011 Ward A brief history of Male Spanking EroticaClick here for a column by the artist Franco at Spanking4Men
Wow. Wish I was the one, naked over this guy’s knee!!